Privacy Policy

We value the trust you place in LoAll LLC. Accordingly, we want you to understand what information we collect about you, how we use it, and the safeguards we have in place to protect it. LoAll LLC owns the information collected on this site and will never sell or rent this information. We will not share it in ways different from what is described in this statement unless you authorize us to do so.

The Information We Collect
Whenever you shop at LoAll LLC, we obtain from you the information we need to complete your transaction. This information may include your name, address, telephone number, driver's license number, birth date, and email address. If you use a credit or debit card it will include your account number.
If you register with LoAll LLC, we will collect the information you submit online.
If you choose to use or participate in one of our various services, promotions, programs, surveys, sweepstakes or clubs, information that is submitted will be collected From your transactions and other interactions with us, we obtain information concerning the specific products or services you purchase or use.
We may also obtain information about other people from you. For example, if you order a gift to be delivered directly to a friend, you would need to give us the friend’s name and address. We also collect consumer information from third-party providers in order to improve the accuracy of our customer database or increase our understanding of our customers. For example, we get updated addresses from the National Change of Address (NCOA) service, licensed by the U.S. Postal Service, to assist us in having the correct addresses for our customers. We work with certain websites to present advertising to known groups of our customers when they visit those websites. This practice referred to as "data matching" is facilitated by a third-party service provider for LoAll LLC and the advertising website. This practice avoids the direct sharing of any personal data with the advertising website. Data received back through this process is used to analyze the effectiveness of such advertising to groups of customers.

Using Information We Collect
We use the information we collect for various purposes, including:

  • Completing your purchase transactions
  • Providing the services you request
  • Contacting you about the status of your order or shipment
  • Responding to your customer service inquiries or requests (if purchasing for a client)
  • Notifying you of product recalls or providing other information concerning products you have purchased
  • Helping to protect against fraudulent use of your personal information
  • Sending you direct mail offerings
  • Sending you email communications
  • Administering customer recognition programs, sweepstakes, contests and similar promotions
  • Identifying your product and service preferences, so that you can be informed of new or additional products, services, and promotions that might be of interest to you
  • Providing mobile marketing and service messages when requested
  • Inviting you to participate in surveys
  • Improving merchandise selections, customer service, and the overall customer shopping experience

Using Information We Share With Others
LoAll LLC Family: We share information we collect with affiliated companies and licensees within the LoAll LLC family of businesses.
Service Providers: We provide information to other companies that provide support services that help us bring you the products and services we offer, market our products and services, or process your transactions.
Third-Party Offers: We provide information to responsible outside companies. These carefully selected companies may use the information we share to let you know about their products or services, which may include providing special offers to you.

Promotion Sponsors: If you enter a contest, sweepstakes, or other promotion sponsored or co-sponsored by a third-party company, we may forward information about you to that company.
Others: On rare occasions, we may be required to disclose the information we collect pursuant to lawful requests, such as subpoenas or court orders, or in compliance with applicable laws. We may also declare that information when we believe disclosure is appropriate to protect the rights, interests, and property of LoAll LLC or others, and to protect the safety of customers, associates or others. This may include sharing information with other companies, attorneys, credit bureaus, agents or governmental agencies in connection with issues related to fraud, credit, or debt collection. Also, if the ownership of all or part of a business within the LoAll LLC Family were to change, information about customers pertinent to that business’s operations would likely be transferred to, or licensed for use by, the new owner. The applicable member of the LoAll LLC Family might also retain a copy of that information.

Safeguarding the Information We Collect
Whether you are shopping online or in our stores, protecting your personal information is paramount to us. We have appropriate physical, technical, and procedural safeguards in place to secure the personal information we collect from you. We limit the information we provide to outside companies to information we believe is appropriate to enable them to carry out their responsibilities under our contracts or to offer you their products and services. We contractually require that they have appropriate information security safeguards and that the information provided be used only for the specifically authorized purpose.

Your Choices Regarding the Use of the Information We Collect
If you do not want to receive promotional mail (postcards, etc.) from LoAll LLC, you may:
email us at

If you are currently receiving promotional email offers and updates, you may unsubscribe at any time.
You can click on the hyperlink shown in LoAll LLC email offers and follow the instructions
If you have registered on LoAll LLC, you can cancel your email subscription by accessing LoAll LLC
email us at
Please note that even if you unsubscribe from promotional email offers and updates, we may still contact you by email for transactional purposes.

Sharing With Other Companies
If you prefer that we:
NOT share information about you with any of the companies outside the LoAll LLC Family that we have authorized to contact you regarding their products or services, or Do NOT share your LoAll LLC credit account history information with affiliated companies within the LoAll LLC Family
Please let us know by:
email us at

Notice to California Residents - Your California Privacy Rights
Under California law, a California resident with whom LoAll LLC has an established relationship has the right to request certain information with respect to the types of personal information LoAll LLC has shared with third parties for their direct marketing purposes, and the identities of those third parties, within the immediately preceding calendar year, subject to certain exceptions.
This same California law permits LoAll LLC to provide you, in response to your written request, with a cost-free means to choose not to have your information shared rather than providing the above-described information. You may exercise that choice by any of the means described under “Sharing with Other Companies”.

Updating Your LoAll LLC Contact Information
You can update or correct your name, address, telephone number, or email address by:
email us at

Online Security
Secure Socket Layering (SSL) technology is used to encrypt your credit or debit card information, including the account number, while it is transmitted over the Internet from your computer. SSL is an industry-standard technology for secure online transactions.

Unauthorized Charges
If unauthorized charges (as determined by your card issuer) are made on your credit or debit card as a result of purchases made on LoAll LLC utilizing our secure servers, LoAll LLC will reimburse you for up to $50 of any amounts you are required to pay by the card issuer. Also, under the Fair Credit Billing Act, your credit card provider cannot hold you liable for more than $50 of unauthorized charges on a credit card. Your liability for unauthorized use of a debit card may be higher, but many debit card issuers voluntarily apply the $50 limit to their cards as well.
In the event of unauthorized use of your credit or debit card, you must promptly notify the card issuer pursuant to its reporting rules and procedures.

LoAll LLC regularly uses browser tracking cookies. A "cookie" is a small file stored by your web browser on your computer. When you arrive at our site, cookies allow us to recognize you by associating an anonymous identification number in the cookie with other information that you as a customer have provided us. That customer information is stored on secured databases. At no time is your name, street address, or credit card number stored within one of our cookies. Your email address is saved in your cookie if you register with us at LoAll LLC.
Cookies allow us to understand how you clicked to our site and what pages you click on during your visit to our site. Knowing how you prefer to shop allows us to improve your shopping experience and speed your checkout process. We contract with a third party service provider to assist in the collection and analysis of your browsing and buying activity on our site. Our service provider uses LoAll LLC (first party) cookies to enable these analytic services.
We do not use our cookies to track your activity on sites other than those operated by LoAll LLC.
Accepting cookies through your web browser is your personal choice. If you use the privacy settings on your web browser to disable cookies, you can still shop and purchase from LoAll LLC. However, if you choose not to accept cookies, we may not be able to provide you with as exceptional a shopping experience as one that is specifically tailored to your needs.

Web Beacons
LoAll LLC works with a variety of advertising companies to place our advertising on websites across the Internet. These advertising companies collect and analyze anonymous information about your visits to our website, other advertising websites, or interaction with our email through the use of "web beacons". This technology allows them to develop LoAll LLC advertising about goods and offers that may be of interest to you.
These third-party companies may access your email address through these web beacons. Your name, street address, or credit card number is not accessed by or shared with other companies through these web beacons. If you would like to learn more about the use of web beacons and your browser options please visit the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) website.

Aggregate Information
We collect non-personal information about how users navigate through our website. We aggregate this information in order to improve our site, and we may share this information with our affiliates or other outside companies. This aggregated information does not include individual names or personal data, so it does not identify you or any other customer.

Children's Privacy
We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13 on our website.

Links to Other Sites
While visiting LoAll LLC, you may link to other websites. Other sites have their own policies regarding privacy. When you provide personal information at one of those sites, you are subject to the site operator’s privacy policy, not the LoAll LLC privacy policy. We encourage you to read that policy before submitting any personal information.

Mobile Marketing
We distribute advertising messages via text message to mobile devices to customers that have provided us permission via an opt-in request. The opportunity to opt out of a specific text message marketing campaign will be made available with the messages we send.
Please note that, with text message campaigns, an opt-in or opt-out request is currently associated only with a specific marketing campaign and a specific mobile phone number. As a result, a request associated with one campaign and phone number will not apply to other campaigns or numbers.